We Engineer, Procure and Construct Solar / Wind Power Systems. Once the requirements are conveyed, we design and engineer the product. Then the different components of the projects are procured and then finally the whole components are assembles and tested.
Engineering Consultancy
We provides consultancy services to Engineering Companies who donot have much experiences in the field of renewable energies. We also help the End users in selecting the right product matching their requirement.
Site Survey
We provide site survey so that you can come to know if the site is suitable for installing a renewable energy system. We also help you to identify the right site for installing a system.
We do deal with the supply of components like solar Panels, Inverters, Converters, Support Stuctures, and Batteries.
How We Work

We gets the location of a project, we gets the Solar Irradiance of the location.
Identifies the tilt angle for optimum harvesting of solar energy. Support Structures are selected.

Calculates the annual solar generation. Identifies the week months and determines the size of the system required.
We goes with the detailed engineerign, where minute parameters are considered and system is optimised.
After detailed engineering, the project components are manufactured.

Manufactures components are tested as per designs and applicable standards, ensuring quality,quantity,performance and safety.
All the components are bought to the site and assembled.
Once assembly is over, the system is commissioned and performance is evaluated.